About the

International Summer Program


The International Summer Program was created to enhance exchange agreements between El Colegio de México and various worldwide universities, and to help raise the profile of Latin American and Mexican Studies around the world.

The Program will be taught almost entirely in English and its curriculum focuses on the study of Mexican and Latin American realities as approached by the faculty at El Colegio de México. Additionally, students on the program will attend Spanish language classes and extracurricular cultural activities.

Courses and professors

The International Summer Program 2024 will offer the following courses:

History and Politics

Power and Organized Crime: Comparative Perspective of Security and Criminal Governance  Rodrigo Peña González
Mexican Foreign Policy: A brief history and highlights of its contemporary practice  Erika Ruiz Sandoval
El Norte/La Frontera in Ten Essays Humberto Beck


Latin American Culture and Spanish Language

In addition to the academic courses, students will be offered Spanish language classes. The following levels are offered, based on the individual needs of students.

Basic (A2)

For students with some background knowledge of Spanish, this level will equip students with the skills to understand everyday phrases and expressions related to their immediate environment, to talk about simple tasks, and exchange relevant information about their basic needs.

Intermediate (B1)

For those who have taken at least 150 hours of lessons in Spanish as a foreign language, this level will equip students with the skills to understand most everyday situations and to express themselves in a simple way about familiar topics whenever needed, as well as to talk about their areas of interest and experiences.


Those enrolled on the International Summer Program will receive a certificate of attendance and a grade report confirming only passing scores (8 or above in a 10 point scale).

The attendance certificate will show the total hours/lessons.

We will provide advice regarding credit transfer as required, but we strongly recommend that all our students contact the academic office of their home institution for more details about their respective universities credit transfer requirements.